Ms Gemma Arias Vasquez, the Minister for Health, Care, and Business, clearly spelt out the aspirations of the people of Gibraltar to the UN Committee of 24 [Committee] yesterday. It is an essential and central part of the annual mission of our leaders when addressing the Committee.

However, she gains little for Gibraltar by being critical of the Committee, as Chief Minister Fabian Picardo has been in the past. All that criticism needs to be left aside and turned into positivity.

We should concentrate on achieving our wishes with the positive uncritical statements that formed part of the address of Ms Arias Vasquez, and turning any criticism around.


There is an oddity in the Minister for Health, Care, and Business addressing the Committee on Gibraltar’s decolonisation. It is not within any of her ministerial portfolios.

The incongruity points at one thing only. She is Mr Picardo’s choice for leader of the GSLP-Liberal Government, and so Chief Minister when he steps down.

We shall see if the other contenders will lead to an internal battle within the GSLP.


Reality and chatter points to there being two other possible contenders.

One of them, Nigel Feetham, is another partner in Hassans Law Firm, as are Mr Picardo and Ms Arias Vasquez. The involvement of Hassans is a reality that follows a legacy within recent GSLP led Governments.

Nigel Feetham is forging an image for himself constantly, not least by publicly promoting his visits to many international business players in Gibraltar and himself howsoever otherwise he can.

The other is the possible return of Sir Joe Bossano. It is encouraged by his strident position on the Gibexit treaty. A position that he is actively promoting in the press at present.


Ms Arias Vasquez’s positive arguments to the Committee are encapsulated by her words.

I am here “To tell you about our origins. Our journey. Our hopes. And our ambition.

I am here to tell you about our aspirations as a people.

In short, to tell you about the wishes of the Gibraltarians. And about how we will determine our future for ourselves.

I am here to remind you that I am not Spanish. To remind you that I am not English. To remind you that I am Gibraltarian.

I represent a separate and distinct people. My People. The People of Gibraltar.”

There is much more positivity that can be read in her address published in full in today’s Gibraltar Chronicle.


Ms Arias Vasquez’s criticisms of the UN are encapsulated, however, for example, by her words:

“So, to understand our wishes, there has to be contact. There has to be engagement. And there has to be continued formal interaction between Gibraltar and this Committee.

Because without such contact, you will fail in your mandate. It is that simple.”

“Silence and lack of engagement on your part is not a credible option.

The Plan of Action for each territory on your list requires the active participation of the elected representatives of the people.”

“… these annual rituals before this Committee and the Fourth Committee alone produce no feedback and lead to no action.

And that is not good enough. That is not innovative. That is not progress.”

“The Gibraltarians are tired of your repeated failure to engage with us.

Your repeated failure to delist us.

You have talked the talk for too long. It’s time for your committee to walk the walk.

And the world is watching. So do not let us down again.”


The same message can be delivered without criticism and with positive advocacy, as follows:

‘We would want you to understand our wishes by there being contact from this Committee with us in Gibraltar. We invite engagement. We welcome continued formal interaction between Gibraltar and this Committee.

Such contact, which sadly there has not been, will help you fulfil your mandate.’

‘Communication and engagement on your part is the credible option. We invite and encourage you to communicate and engage with us.

The Plan of Action for each territory on your list requires the active participation of the elected representatives of the people.’

‘… these annual rituals before this Committee and the Fourth Committee should be a catalyst to feedback and action.

That would be good. That would be a step forward and innovative. That would result in progress.’

‘The Gibraltarians want you to engage with us on the road to delist us.

We seek that your committee walk the walk with us and in concert with our wishes.

And as the world watches to deliver to the people of Gibraltar on their wishes.’


It is very frustrating not to see progress in the United Nations and elsewhere internationally on our desire to remain British and to gain greater self-determination.

The former is a war that will be won through resilience. The latter is a slow and long process that must be followed with huge determination and patience.

Presently we are also faced with the Gibexit negotiation. The outcome will impact on many fronts. We must await that happening and adjust to it, whilst not weakening the resolve to remain British.

Being British is a status that exists within every one of us. It is not a status that is weakened by events, whether there is or is not a Gibexit deal. It is an essential element of our identity as Gibraltarian.

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