It is early days since the last election, but Gibraltar’s political scene needs substantial change if democracy is to be defended. If there is no change, the current movement towards a one-party state will have no brakes. We got that in the past with Sir Joshua Hassan’s AACR.

In the absence of another choice for the electorate, the domination of the GSLP-Liberals is in plain view for the present, as is the dominance of commercial and professional interests with direct or indirect links with the GSLP-Liberal Government.

The GSD under Keith Azopardi and as currently made up does not provide that alternative. Together Gibraltar does not get its act together yet.


It all does not augur well for the tiny element of democracy that Gibraltar has. It is essentially limited to four yearly elections, with no possibility of a defeat in Parliament for the Government of the day.

It is a reality due to the lack of any separation of powers between the legislature and the executive, which could lead to the defeat of the executive government. It is a theme that has been dealt with repeatedly on this blog. It needs constitutional reform to put it right.


To make matters worse the GSD Opposition do not act in a way that either limits the exercise of excessive government control by the GSLP-Liberals or improve its chances of success at a general election. It should be more vocal. It should be producing more political argument. It should have a blog or newspaper online.

Yet it chooses to lie back and wait. Wait for what? The unpopularity of the GSLP-Liberals to grow? It should learn that that is not enough: action is required on its part.

The electoral unpopularity of the GSD leader, Keith Azopardi, has been proven time and time again by the repeated defeats he has suffered at general elections. Yet the GSD elect him constantly to the leadership post. Is that because of his popularity, or is it because of a lack of an alternative?


The likelihood is that there is a lack of an alternative for election into government. The GSD does not provide it and will not do so in the absence of a change in leadership.

Both Damon Bossino and Roy Clinton, who have challenged Keith Azopardi, have failed to unseat him, yet they remain quietly in the party. No one else comes to the fore. It is unlikely that anyone else will come to the fore now as Keith Azopardi has packed the GSD hierarchy with his followers.


The likely future is either the birth of a new party to challenge the GSLP-Liberals, or a split off from the GSD of the ‘old guard’ to create that new party.

Unfortunately, the ‘old guard’ are too comfortable earning their MPs allowance to want to lose it by being democratic and giving voters the real choice that they should have. It is sad really.

In the absence of a credible party to replace the GSLP-Liberals in government, they will have a free run to be re-elected over and over and to retain power.


For what is happening in the UK to happen here, that Labour should be ahead in the polls, followed by Reform, with the Conservatives trailing, the GSD alternative needs to reform and rebuild. The Labour party has spent years doing that.

In sharp contrast, the GSD has spent years weakening its ability to be elected to government. In the meantime, the other alternative, Together Gibraltar has lost ground rather than gained it. It is a sad situation for our democracy.


Together Gibraltar tries hard but seems to get nowhere for now. It needs more depth in its political philosophy and personnel, and more political acumen. It needs more people willing to stick their necks out. It needs a real presence in the public scene with much more proactivity.

It needs to understand how to hit at the GSLP-Liberals’ weaknesses and to be a viable alternative to replace the GSD. It needs to know how to sell its own story. To sell its own story requires that it has a story. It does not, yet. To gain a story it needs to understand what the electorate wants.


It may be harsh but there are not enough independent minded people who seem to want to come forward, stick their heads above the parapet and seek election. There are, perhaps, few fools like me!

It may be that the closeness of society closes the door for many due to direct or indirect connections with employment in public service or dependence on government contracts for their employment, or fear of other repercussions.

All in all, it is a sad situation. It needs correction, but that is neither easy to find nor is there much incentive to find it. Those in government are happy with the system. They use it to their advantage. Change would bring about bad consequences for them.

They have the power to change it no one else but they don’t want the change, so we end up with what we have.

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